The fifth type of stranger is called the Magician. The Magician appears like he knows magic because he may know the child's name, where they live, where they go to school, and who their friends are. The Magician isn't magic at all; he/she knows this information because they have been watching you. The Magician may hear the parent or a friend say the child's name or they may see the child's name on their backpack or on the car sticker of the family. T
hen they approach the child saying their name and possibly with some other information about the child. When the stranger does this, the child thinks that this stranger must be one of his parent's friends or someone he/she knows since they know so much about them, so the child will easily leave with this stranger feeling comfortable. Children need to know that even if a stranger knows their name, where they live, where they go to school, or any other information about them, that if they don't know who they are and if their parents did not tell them to leave with that person, then they must never go anywhere with that stranger. Strangers are very tricky and convincing, especially when they know vital and sometimes private information about the child. We must educate out kids about the Magician!

The sixth stranger is the Messenger. This stranger will deliver some kind of message to the child and will tell the child that their parent, aunt or uncle, teacher, or some other adult the child knows sent them to tell the child the message. For example, the child is waiting for their mom to pick them up from school and as the child is waiting a car drives up and the stranger inside calls out to the child by name, "Hey Jimmy! I'm here to pick you up from school.
Your mom called me and said she's waiting in a long line in the grocery store so she asked me to pick you up today. Come on and get in the car and I'll take you home." The child may be confused but because the stranger gave such a convincing story, the child will get in the car thinking the child is going to take them home, especially because their "mom" sent the stranger to get them.

It is very heart-wrenching to imagine this happening to our children and it may be scary to tell them about these terrible things happening. However, reality is, if we don't teach our children about the different tricks strangers use, they will be at even more risk for being abducted and kidnapped. It is unimaginably more scary to not tell our children about these strangers and we will put them at even more risk if we keep this information from them. Of course our children may be startled to hear about such things, but the knowledge of knowing they are aware of strangers they will be safer.
Please visit this website to learn more about how to teach your kids about strangers and tips of what they can do to stay away from strangers and to avoid getting kidnapped.
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