We have learned about eight different kinds of strategies and tricks strangers use to abduct and kidnap children. Let’s look back on who these strangers are: Gift Giver, Helpless, Game Player, Scary, Magician, Messenger, Promiser, and Friendly. These are just a few of the strategies strangers use to lure children into going away with them. Of course it is vital for us to teach our children about these strangers so they can be aware and ready if a stranger ever approaches them, but we also need to educate our children on basic self defense so they can protect themselves from persistent strangers who may even try to grab them.
First of all, we as parents, teacher, and caretakers must always keep a close eye on our children and make sure that they are never out of our sight. Doing this will drastically lower the chances of our children getting in the hands of strangers.
Basic self defense for children: when a stranger approaches the child and starts talking to them trying to lure them in, the child needs to immediately use their greatest weapons which is their mouth and their body. The child must immediately step back away from the stranger, put their hands out in front of them, and begin shouting, “Stop! Don’t touch me there! Leave me alone! That’s not my dad! That’s not my mom! That’s not my brother or sister! He has a gun! Fire!” The child needs to yell as loud as they can so that other people around them can hear that something is wrong. This will startle the stranger and the stranger may leave the child alone after this because other people are now watching and aware of what is happening. If the child needs to begin running away they need to run to an area where other adults are while shouting these things. The child needs to know that they must NOT hide in a room or behind a bush because that is a dead end and makes it too easy for the stranger to capture them. They need to keep running until they find other adults.
If after shouting the stranger is still persistent is stealing the child, the child must use their body to protect themselves. If the stranger grabs them they must use their arms to hit the stranger off of them and strike them in the nose. By striking the stranger in the nose, the stranger will be in pain and eyes will being to water because this is a soft part of the body that can be easily injured. The child should also kick the stranger in the groin, bite, stomp on their feet, and gouge the eyes. This may sound violent to teach your child, but these are the most effective ways for your child to defend themselves from a stranger and the most effective way for them to survive.
Teaching our children about strangers and how serious it is that they avoid talking with strangers without their parents around is one of the most important things we can teach our child about; it may save their life. We need to let our children know that no matter how friendly or nice a stranger looks or acts, they could still be a bad stranger. The child needs to know that if a stranger makes them feel uncomfortable in any way, that this is not okay. Even is a stranger does not make them feel uncomfortable, they still need to stay away to be extra safe.
Our children need to know that if a stranger asks them for help or for something else, that they need to tell that stranger, “Let me go ask my mom and dad first.” And they must run straight to their parents or guardians. An adult should never be asking a child for help or talk to them without their parent around.
Let’s work together to protect our children and not allow them to become another statistic of child abduction. I pray that this information has been more than helpful to you and I pray that you pass it on to others who have children under their care. Be courageous in teaching your children about stranger danger.
Please look over this website for information about self defense against strangers that was taught in a local school:
Check out these websites for more information about teaching kids about strangers:
First of all, we as parents, teacher, and caretakers must always keep a close eye on our children and make sure that they are never out of our sight. Doing this will drastically lower the chances of our children getting in the hands of strangers.
Basic self defense for children: when a stranger approaches the child and starts talking to them trying to lure them in, the child needs to immediately use their greatest weapons which is their mouth and their body. The child must immediately step back away from the stranger, put their hands out in front of them, and begin shouting, “Stop! Don’t touch me there! Leave me alone! That’s not my dad! That’s not my mom! That’s not my brother or sister! He has a gun! Fire!” The child needs to yell as loud as they can so that other people around them can hear that something is wrong. This will startle the stranger and the stranger may leave the child alone after this because other people are now watching and aware of what is happening. If the child needs to begin running away they need to run to an area where other adults are while shouting these things. The child needs to know that they must NOT hide in a room or behind a bush because that is a dead end and makes it too easy for the stranger to capture them. They need to keep running until they find other adults.
If after shouting the stranger is still persistent is stealing the child, the child must use their body to protect themselves. If the stranger grabs them they must use their arms to hit the stranger off of them and strike them in the nose. By striking the stranger in the nose, the stranger will be in pain and eyes will being to water because this is a soft part of the body that can be easily injured. The child should also kick the stranger in the groin, bite, stomp on their feet, and gouge the eyes. This may sound violent to teach your child, but these are the most effective ways for your child to defend themselves from a stranger and the most effective way for them to survive.
Teaching our children about strangers and how serious it is that they avoid talking with strangers without their parents around is one of the most important things we can teach our child about; it may save their life. We need to let our children know that no matter how friendly or nice a stranger looks or acts, they could still be a bad stranger. The child needs to know that if a stranger makes them feel uncomfortable in any way, that this is not okay. Even is a stranger does not make them feel uncomfortable, they still need to stay away to be extra safe.
Our children need to know that if a stranger asks them for help or for something else, that they need to tell that stranger, “Let me go ask my mom and dad first.” And they must run straight to their parents or guardians. An adult should never be asking a child for help or talk to them without their parent around.
Let’s work together to protect our children and not allow them to become another statistic of child abduction. I pray that this information has been more than helpful to you and I pray that you pass it on to others who have children under their care. Be courageous in teaching your children about stranger danger.
Please look over this website for information about self defense against strangers that was taught in a local school:
Check out these websites for more information about teaching kids about strangers: